September 6, 1966
1,000 Youngsters Have a Ball Aboard Carrier
It was billed as Operation Cool-It by the nations poverty warriors. For 1,000 disadvantaged
youngsters who swarmed aboard the carrier USS BENNINGTON here Tuesday, it was more
like Operation Joy. The kids had a ball.
The youngsters, all from Los Angeles, roamed the ship at will, ate chow in the mess, took
boat trips around the harbor in the carrier's liberty launches and topped it all off in the hanger
deck with a concert and dance featuring three rock-and-roll combos and a couple of vocalists.
It didn't cost them a cent. The tab was picked up by a generous if somewhat edgy
Uncle Sam, whose Office of Economic Opportunity reportedly decided on the idea after
the recent Chicago riots, which were triggered by a policeman's routine refusal to allow
some slum kids to cool off under the spray of an open fire hydrant.
Tuesday's affair, one of a series of recreational events and sea-oriented excursions that
will continue until school starts, was run for the country's Economic and Youth Opportunities
Agency by the Lomax Corporation, a non-profit corporation founded by author and television
personality Louis Lomax. The Lomax group and the Youth Services Planning Council are
jointly conducting the four-week Cool-It program in Los Angeles under a $262,000 federal grant.
As for the BENNINGTON, she may have seen equally hectic peacetime days in her illustrious
career, "but none so noisy," said 2nd Class Commissaryman Don Adams, whose musical
sensibilities, like the ship's rafters, were shaken up a bit by the Yellow Payges, one of the
popular rock-and-roll groups on hand. "It's good for the kids, though," he agreed.
Marie Washington, a pretty chaperone from Pacoima, offered a somewhat more enthusiastic
comment above the din. "Oh, I think the whole thing's wonderful," she shouted. "Most of the
children are from families who can't afford to bring their kids down here." To which Don Gooden,
a former Navy man and now Director of Resources for the Lomax Corporation, added, "these kids
will do things in the next few weeks they've never done before." Not only that, he went on, "many
of them haven't had chow like this in their whole lives."
Pretty Rossana Almonte, a 10-year-old from Highland Park (the kids' ages ranged from 10 to 18)
offered a similar if more laconic judgement. Seated in the mess and eating a hearty lunch of lamb
chops, mashed potatoes, corn, peas and strawberry shortcake, the young lady said she thought
the excursion was "swell." And the meal? "Oh, it's very good," she ventured, "only the meat's a
little hard."
Submitted by: Joe Pires
The above has been retyped from an
article of September 7, 1966
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