Enter into a naval battle against the YAMATO FLEET.
But watch out, your adversary is not stupid!
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"...We have located the enemy fleet under the command of Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto,
but do not yet have visual contact. We suggest the best course of action is to fire
at random into their vicinity and listen for the impact of the shells...
...Our intelligence sources indicate the composition of the enemy fleet is the same
as our own, and has likewise been forced to resort to the same tactics as ourselves. In accordance with
the rules of war, fire will be exchanged one shell at a time and vessels lost will be announced
...As per your orders you have been placed directly in command of the fleet's guns. Select the target
location by clicking in the left-hand grid above. The right hand grid shows the status of our own fleet.
Information as to the remaining strength of the enemy will be relayed directly to your status bar...
...We believe this battle will not be over until one or other fleet is sunk in it's entirety. Our gunners
await your commands. We're counting on you, Sir..."
Yamato (Battleship, 1941-1945)
Yamato, lead ship of a class of two 65,000-ton (over 72,800-tons at full load) battleships, was built at Kure, Japan.
She and her sister, Musashi were by far the largest battleships ever built, even exceeding in size and gun caliber
(though not in weight of broadside) the U.S. Navy's abortive Montana class. Their nine 460mm (18.1-inch) main
battery guns, which fired 1460kg (3200 pound) armor piercing shells, were the largest battleship guns ever to go
to sea, and the two ships' scale of armor protection was also unsurpassed.
Commissioned in December 1941, just over a week after the start of the Pacific war, Yamato served as flagship of
Combined Fleet commander Isoroku Yamamoto during the critical battles of 1942. During the following year, she
spent most of her time at Truk, as part of a mobile naval force defending Japan's Centeral Pacific bases.
Torpedoed by USS Skate (SS-305) in December 1943, Yamato was under repair until April 1944, during which time
her anti-aircraft battery was considerably increased. She then took part in the Battle of the Philippine Sea in June
and the Battle of Leyte Gulf in October. During the latter action, she was attacked several times by U.S. Navy aircraft,
and fired her big guns in an engagement with U.S. escort carriers and destroyers off the island of Samar.
Yamato received comparatively light damage during the Leyte Gulf battle, and was sent home in November 1944.
Fitted with additional anti-aircraft machine guns, she was based in Japan during the winter of 1944-45.
Attacked by U.S. Navy carrier planes in March 1945, during raids on the Japanese home islands, she was again
only lightly damaged. The following month, she was assigned to take part in the suicidal "Ten-Go" Operation, a
combined air and sea effort to destroy American naval forces supporting the invasion of Okinawa. On 7 April 1945,
while still some 200 miles north of Okinawa, Yamato was attacked by a massive force of U.S. carrier planes and sunk.
After the war, the great battleship became an object of intense fascination in Japan, as well as in foreign countries.
Yamato's remains were located and examined in 1985 and again examined, more precisely, in 1999. She lies in two
main parts in some 1000 feet of water. Her bow portion, severed from the rest of the ship in the vicinity of the second
main battery turret, is upright. The midships and stern section is upside down nearby, with a large hole in the lower
starboard side close to the after magazines.
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